Leading education provider Kaplan Professional believes although there are calls from corners of the industry to extend the deadline for FASEA’s Financial Adviser Examination, many licensees and their financial advisers have taken a proactive approach and are already on the front foot with their exam preparation. “While an extension may provide extra time to prepare, it is imperative advisers do not sit back and lose momentum. We have been encouraging licensees to avoid a situation where the deadline looms and advisers have the stress of an exam and the education requirements hanging over their head,” said Kaplan Professional CEO Brian Knight. “With so much riding on performance in FASEA’s exam, it is our belief advisers need to dedicate a significant amount of time where they focus solely on their exam preparation. It is vital advisers are supported to be proactive and diligent in their preparation, so they can feel positive about sitting the exam when they are ready.” Kaplan Professional is committed to helping advisers pass FASEA’s Financial Adviser Examination and has taken responsibility to build affordable and high-quality practice exams and face-to-face workshops. These have been developed in conjunction with the industry to offer robust preparation resources to help advisers feel more confident and better equipped to sit FASEA’s exam. Kaplan Professional’s FASEA Exam Preparation Workshops are now available, while Ontrack subscribers and Kaplan Professional’s corporate clients have been utilising the Kaplan Adviser Practice Exam (KAPE) over the past few months. The exam preparation workshops provide advisers with practical, detailed analysis of the examinable areas covered in FASEA’s exam and helpful preparation and performance tips. Advisers also receive resources to continue their preparation after the workshop. KAPE is designed to simulate the structure, duration and supervised conditions of the Financial Adviser Examination. KAPE is three-and-a-half hours in length with multiple-choice and short-answer questions. Advisers also gain access to an online exam preparation room, and receive feedback and results after they sit KAPE to identify and pinpoint possible areas of improvement. “Many advisers have already sat KAPE and the feedback we are getting is that it has been incredibly beneficial, particularly gaining an understanding of what it is like to sit a lengthy exam under supervised conditions with a similar style of questions,” Mr Knight said. “The workshops bring an important face-to-face element to exam preparation, offering advisers the ability to gain a deeper insight into what is being examined and how to prepare for it, while having the opportunity to discuss ideas and gain immediate feedback. “In addition, our course advice teams have been proactively reaching out to our corporate clients and their advisers – mapping out personalised education journeys specifying month by month when advisers should complete formal education and when they should focus on exam preparation. These are unique to each adviser because we acknowledge individuals have different priorities, commitments and obligations.” Kaplan Professional’s full-day FASEA Exam Preparation are available monthly in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. Advisers will also have the option to sit KAPE after participating in the workshop. KAPE can be sat in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. Advisers will gain access to online preparation resources and one attempt of the practice exam. Tailored versions of Kaplan Professional’s FASEA Exam Preparation Workshops and KAPE are available for corporate groups. … For more information on Kaplan Professional’s FASEA Exam Preparation Workshops, visit: www.kaplanprofessional.edu.au/fasea-exam-preparation-workshops For more information on the Kaplan Adviser Practice Exam (KAPE), visit:www.kaplanprofessional.edu.au/education-and-professional-standards-for-financial-advisers/kaplan-adviser-practice-exam-kape