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Higher education
If you’re completing a higher education course or qualification, special consideration may be granted if an incident such as illness, bereavement or personal trauma has prevented you from completing an assessment. You can seek special consideration by emailing a completed Special Consideration Application form to You’ll be required to specify the reason for your application and include supporting evidence, such as a medical practitioner certificate and/or any other relevant documentation.

You’ll be notified of the outcome in writing within five working days. It’s important extension applications are received before an assessment deadline. If the extension request is due to an unexpected incident, it must be lodged within 48 hours of the relevant incident occurring. You can view more important assessment information in our Assessment Policy.

If you’re experiencing difficulties, we encourage you to contact our Student Experience team prior to the assessment due date to discuss your options on 1300 135 798 (option 1) or

Vocational education

If you’re completing a vocational education course or qualification and require extra time to complete the subject past your personal deadline date, extensions are available to allow time for assessment resubmission and/or exam resits. There’s no extra charge for an extension, provided you meet the requirements outlined in the Kaplan Professional Extension Policy. Formal extensions may also be purchased; please see the Vocational Education fees page for details.

If you’re prevented from completing an assessment or sitting an exam due to adverse or unforeseen circumstances such as illness, bereavement or personal trauma, you may be eligible to apply for Special Consideration. Your Special Consideration application must be accompanied by comprehensive and relevant supporting documentation. Further information regarding special consideration can also be found in our Assessment Policy.

If you’re experiencing difficulties, we encourage you to contact our Student Services team prior to the subject completion date to discuss your options on 1300 662 203 (option 1) or

If you’re experiencing technical difficulties, our knowledgeable team can assist. It’s best to contact us as soon as possible to ensure your query is resolved promptly.

Higher education
For higher education assessment technical queries, please contact our Student Experience team on 1300 135 798 (option 1) or

Vocational education
For vocational education assessment technical queries, please contact our Student Services team on 1300 662 203 (option 1) or

Higher Education
Results for major assessment items such as assignments and exams, are generally released between two to four weeks of the assignment submission or exam date, dependent on the subject. Assessment results are released in KapLearn.

Vocational Education
Assignment or oral assessment results can be expected within three to five business days of receipt of the assignment. You’ll receive your exam results immediately after completing your multiple-choice exam. Results for short-answer exams will be available within three to five business days.

Vocational Education
Support from your tutor is available in your online KapLearn subject room by selecting the ‘Ask Your Tutor’ tile. Your tutor is a dedicated industry professional and subject matter expert who can answer your queries regarding your subject notes and assignment preparation in the discussion forum.

This is an open forum for communication between you, other students and your subject tutor, so all students can benefit from the guidance when a tutor answers a question. You can post ‘technical’ queries about concepts you don’t understand from your subject notes and clarification about the context of an assignment question. The tutor isn’t contactable by telephone or email.

Many vocational education courses and subjects now also have live tutor sessions.

Higher Education
Higher education students have access to a tutor via the discussion forum in your online KapLearn subject room. The discussion forum is a place to ask questions and for communicating with other students and your tutor.

You’re encouraged to post queries regarding your subject notes and general assignment questions. Your questions must be:

  • Related to the content
  • Related to a specific concept within the subject that you are unsure of
  • For clarification about the intent of an assignment question

Please note your online tutor won’t preview or check your assignment answers and will only be able to address assignment questions that are general in nature.

We’ve also increased the availability of one-on-one tutor sessions across our higher education subjects. This means you can book a time to speak with a tutor on Zoom for up to 20 minutes. You can use this time to seek more clarification on assessments, resolve any issues or discuss certain theories and concepts in more detail.

A time may be booked by clicking the link in your KapLearn subject room.

If you feel an assessment decision was incorrect, please email our Student Resolutions team at within three business days of receiving the assessment results.

Higher education
If you disagree with the marking of a higher education assessment, you can submit a re-mark request form to Your application must be accompanied by written justification within five days of receiving your marks.

Vocational education
If you disagree with the marking of vocational education assessment, you have the right to appeal your result. Your appeal, including reasons for the appeal, must be submitted in writing in accordance with the Kaplan Professional Grievances, Complaints and Appeals Policy.

Higher education
If you wish to request further clarification regarding feedback you’ve received on an assessment, please contact our Student Experience team on 1300 135 798 (option 1) or send your request in writing to

Vocational education
If you wish to request further clarification regarding feedback you’ve received on an assessment, please contact our Student Services team on 1300 662 203 (option 1) or send your request in writing to

Higher education
If you’re enrolling in a higher education course or qualification, assessment dates and information for each subject and study period can be found here.

Vocational education
If you’re enrolling in a vocational education course or qualification, you have the duration of the course to complete all assessments, unless otherwise specified in the relevant course subject outline or web page. You’ll be notified of your assessment due date on subject activation. You can also find this information in your KapLearn subject room. Prior to enrolment, you can find this information on the relevant course page on our website under the ‘duration’ section.

Higher education
For higher education assessments, please check the instructions on the assessment template and follow the guidelines to ensure your files comply with the requirements. For further assistance, please contact our Student Experience team on 1300 135 798 (option 1) or

Vocational Education
For vocational education assessments, please check the instructions on the assignment template and follow the guidelines to ensure your files comply with the requirements. There are additional tools in your KapLearn subject room to assist you with troubleshooting issues, such as file compression. Information on submitting assessments is also available in our Student Handbook. For further assistance, please contact our Student Services team on 1300 662 203 (option 1) or

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