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We asked some of our students their best study tips

Studying can be a challenge. Even if you’re the brainiest person to grace the earth since Albert Einstein, every little bit of help can make all the difference.

So, there’s this crazy trick that helps you perform better when you’re studying or about to sit an exam. Spin around seven-and-a-half times (make sure it’s exactly this amount) while waving a blue and white polka dot handkerchief in the air. You should try it.

In all seriousness, studying can be a challenge. Even if you’re the brainiest person to grace the earth since Albert Einstein, every little bit of help can make all the difference.

We recently asked some of our students to share their best study tips; and no, they didn’t involve an over-indulgence of caffeine.

“Actually utilising the study guide. It can be overwhelming looking at all the questions and reading what you have to have done, but by following these guidelines it really does break it all down and makes it manageable.” – Samantha Fazackerley

“I always read the assignment first before I begin reading the subject material. I ensure that I get the hard copy of the subject material delivered to me so that I can add my own notes alongside concepts and ideas I would come back to later on, or if I identify information that I know I will need to complete specific areas of my assignment.” – Edmond Wong

“Read through a chapter once, then read the chapter again slowly to ensure comprehension. Do all of the chapter activities and the review questions. Then read through each chapter again – only noting the learning objectives and key points, and marking important spots in the text with tabs to spark your memory.” – Sarah Hibberd

“Don’t do it all at once. Stick to the study plan. When formulating an advice strategy, imagine it’s for yourself. Put yourself in the client’s shoes and the best solution to their problem will become more obvious. When you are writing scripts for explaining your strategy to the client, imagine them sitting in front of you. Everything must be as clear and as simple as possible. If you couldn’t understand it yourself having just walked in off the street, you’ll need to try again.” – Betty

Do you have any great study tips that you’d like to share? Make sure you comment below!


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